

日程: 2017年 8月16日(水) 19:00~21:00

講師: Sandra Fang | サンドラ ファン

開催場所:  大分市中央町3丁目5-16 wazawazaビル4F レンタルスペース「To-tA」

持物:  飲動きやすい服装、ヨガマット、お飲物など

定員: 20名

料金: ・4,000円 7月31日(月)までのお支払い

    ・4,500円 8月1日(火)以降のお支払い

<8/16(水)10:00-13:00アーユルヴェーダWSと2本受講の場合は 8500円>






Yin Yang Yoga

The active style of yang yoga, taking strong poses and focusing on the muscle strength.

The quiet practice of yin yoga, focusing on our connective tissues and the meditative quality.

In this Yin Yang Yoga class, you will be able to experience both sides of the yoga practice. One style is not better than the other, they complement each other. Embrace both styles and find the perfect balance of yin and yang within you.

This class will be focused on the spine. The health of the spine is key to the health of your whole body. This yin yang yoga practice aims to increase awareness of your posture, helps you to build strength and flexibility of your spine.


Sandra Fang | サンドラ・ファン






ヨガアライアンス陰ヨガ50時間, Bernie Clark


ヨガアライアンス陰ヨガ50時間中医学 & 骨盤解剖学, Jo Phee

ヨガアライアンス陰ヨガ50時間筋膜 & 背骨解剖学, Jo Phee

ヨガ医学25時間背骨解剖学, Tiffany Cruikshank

ヨガアライアンスヴィンヤサ20時間, Seane Corn

ヨガアライアンスマタニティヨガ35時間, Jodi Boone

ヨガアライアンスアーユルヴェーダ20時間, Jodi Boone

ヨガアライアンスインサイトヨガ20時間, Sarah Powers

HP: http://www.sandrafangyoga.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandrafangyoga

About Sandra Fang

Sandra is Chinese Canadian from Vancouver, Canada.

She is based in Kansai teaching vinyasa yoga, yin yoga and ayurveda.

She first met yoga when she was a university student, soon she began to notice that yoga had helped her to learn more about herself and inspired her to live life to the fullest.

After she graduated with a Kinesiology degree, she moved to Japan and completed her first yoga training in Osaka, then continued to travel and study different yoga styles with world-renowned yoga teachers.

To deepen her knowledge about healthy lifestyle, she traveled to Kerala, India to learn about ayurveda for a month in 2015.

200 hour Yoga Alliance yoga teacher training

50 hour Yoga Alliance yin yoga teacher training Bernie Clark

108 hour Ayurveda awareness training in Kerala, India

50 hour yin yoga - Chinese medicine & hip anatomy, Jo Phee

50 hour yin yoga - fascia release & spine anatomy, Jo Phee

25 hour Yoga Medicine's Spine Anatomy, Tiffany Cruikshank

20 hour Yoga Alliance vinyasa flow teacher training with Seane Corn

35 hour Yoga Alliance maternity yoga teacher training with Jodi Boone

20 hour Yoga Alliance ayurveda teacher training with Jodi Boone

20 hour Insight Yin yoga teacher training with Sarah Powers

HP: http://www.sandrafangyoga.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandrafangyoga



LOTUS studio

大分市府内町2-6-7 瑞木刃物店ビル202








件名に「8/16 インヤンヨガWS申し込み」と記入いただき、



Lotus Studio

Inner Body Awareness 内なる体を意識すること 大地深く根を張る樹木のように カラダの中の奥深い場所から ヨガを通して 心、体、魂、バランス良く整え 繋げていく場所