日程: 2017年 8月16日(水) 10:00~13:00
講師: Sandra Fang | サンドラ・ファン
*通訳 野々瀬 光枝
場所: ロータス・スタジオ ー LOTUS studio ー
持物: 筆記用具、飲み物、座学のため座りやすい服装やブランケットなど
料金: ・6,000円 7月31日(月)までのお支払い
・6,500円 8月1日(火)以降のお支払い
<8/16(水)19:00-21:00 インヤンヨガWSと2本とも受講の場合は 8500円>
1. アーユルヴェーダとは何か
2. 五大要素
3. トリドーシャとは何か
4. 自分だけのドーシャのコンビネーションを見つけよう
5. 各ドーシャのための食物・ヨガプラクティス・生活習慣ガイドライン
Introduction to Ayurveda — Tridosha
This workshop is for anyone who is interested in knowing about their body and mind better from the ayurvedic perspective. You will learn about the basic principles of tridosha, assess yourself and find out your own predominant doshas. Once you understand what dosha combination makes up your ayurveda constitution, you can prevent illnesses by keeping it in balance through the right diet, exercise, and lifestyle.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is a system of Indian traditional medicine and philosophy about how to maintain a healthy body to support our purpose of life. In Sanskrit, ayurveda means the science of life. It emphasizes balancing the body and the mind through diet, lifestyle, and body cleansing.
What’s Tridosha
Ayurveda views each individual wholly as a physical, emotional, and spiritual being. Ayurveda recognises that everyone is unique. Man is made up of the five primary elements - ether, air, fire, water, and earth. Although we’re all born with all three doshas, they come together differently in each one of us, and it is this unique combination that makes us who we are.
It is believed through Ayurvedic medicine that it is the imbalance of your dosha that leads to diseases. This workshop will provide an introduction and overview of the basic principles of tridosha with practical techniques for applying them in daily life to keep your body and mind healthy.
Come join Sandra to learn about the basic concepts of ayurveda, you will assess yourself and find out your own predominant doshas. Once you understand what dosha combination makes up your ayurveda constitution, you can prevent illnesses by keeping it in balance through the right diet, exercise, and lifestyle.
Workshop outline:
1. What is ayurveda?
2. The five elements
3. What is tridosha?
4. Finding out your own unique dosha combination
5. Guideline of food, yoga practice, and lifestyle for each dosha
Sandra Fang | サンドラ・ファン
ヨガアライアンス陰ヨガ50時間, Bernie Clark
ヨガアライアンス陰ヨガ50時間中医学 & 骨盤解剖学, Jo Phee
ヨガアライアンス陰ヨガ50時間筋膜 & 背骨解剖学, Jo Phee
ヨガ医学25時間背骨解剖学, Tiffany Cruikshank
ヨガアライアンスヴィンヤサ20時間, Seane Corn
ヨガアライアンスマタニティヨガ35時間, Jodi Boone
ヨガアライアンスアーユルヴェーダ20時間, Jodi Boone
ヨガアライアンスインサイトヨガ20時間, Sarah Powers
HP: http://www.sandrafangyoga.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandrafangyoga
About Sandra Fang
Sandra is Chinese Canadian from Vancouver, Canada.
She is based in Kansai teaching vinyasa yoga, yin yoga and ayurveda.
She first met yoga when she was a university student, soon she began to notice that yoga had helped her to learn more about herself and inspired her to live life to the fullest.
After she graduated with a Kinesiology degree, she moved to Japan and completed her first yoga training in Osaka, then continued to travel and study different yoga styles with world-renowned yoga teachers.
To deepen her knowledge about healthy lifestyle, she traveled to Kerala, India to learn about ayurveda for a month in 2015.
200 hour Yoga Alliance yoga teacher training
50 hour Yoga Alliance yin yoga teacher training Bernie Clark
108 hour Ayurveda awareness training in Kerala, India
50 hour yin yoga - Chinese medicine & hip anatomy, Jo Phee
50 hour yin yoga - fascia release & spine anatomy, Jo Phee
25 hour Yoga Medicine's Spine Anatomy, Tiffany Cruikshank
20 hour Yoga Alliance vinyasa flow teacher training with Seane Corn
35 hour Yoga Alliance maternity yoga teacher training with Jodi Boone
20 hour Yoga Alliance ayurveda teacher training with Jodi Boone
20 hour Insight Yin yoga teacher training with Sarah Powers
HP: http://www.sandrafangyoga.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandrafangyoga
LOTUS studio
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